Newest Additions to the Family

So thought it was about time that I shared one of the reasons we have been so busy recently!

As some of you may know from the post Bonnie’s on a Lucky Streak we had two degus, Cain and Abel, at that time. Unfortunately we lost Cain at the start of December which was a huge heartbreak and really dampened the Christmas period for us.

One of the last photos of Cain & Abel together, cuddling on the snugglesafe

As degus are social animals and do best in groups or pairs we spent a lot of time debating whether we could handle the heartbreak of getting more degus after losing Cain. After all Abel seemed to be getting on well by himself and even starting accepting rubs, something which has never happened before (see cute video below)

But we decided it was unfair to not give him the best life we can and that means some company of his own species as we can’t be giving him rubs all day, although I wish! We started looking for young male degus to intro to him, the younger the better as it’s usually easier to introduce babies rather than adolescents. As some people may not know degus are territorial and fight for “dominance” and so therefore you can’t just stick degus together in a cage as they will most definitely fight and some fights lead to death (even in bonded pairs) so that’s why intros are a necessary and sometimes lengthy process.

Bringing the babies home – 15th January

We came across some baby degus on gumtree near us and decided to check them out. The poor babies had no hay in their cage, were eating tesco value guinea pig food and were in a smokey house (nothing against smokers if they smoke outside away from pets). There were just two boys and we knew we had to take them away from that environment and give them the best care and life.

We had been thinking of names for a while but decided to go for Azoth and Durzo as the Night Angel trilogy from Brent Weeks is probably my favourite book series. We set them up in the old Thicket’s cage and the first few days they were soo skittish and a bit lethargic it was a bit worrying. But they eventually came around and now they have such lovely personalities, don’t tell Durzo but Azoth is my favourite!

The introductions haven’t been the greatest of successes so far, Abel seems to be a bit reluctant to accept them. I think he’s been spoiled over the month that Cain hasn’t been with him that he’s a bit reluctant to share again. He was the lower status in the group with Cain so maybe he’s happy not being the bottom of the degu pile being by himself.

Regardless we will keep trying the introduction process (swapping cages, sharing scents, supervised play time etc) and see how its goes in future. At the very least he will have some company of his own species nearby and also we are so happy to have brought the babies home as they are just lovely little critters. I think I will always have degus throughout my life as they have the best personalities!

So between the intros, caring for the degus & Bonnie and both of us starting new jobs recently we have been kept busy! I have enjoyed keeping up with all the blogs I follow but hoping to do some more regular posting, commenting etc so here’s hoping I can stick to it!


You can also follow our adventures on FacebookInstagram & Twitter


8 thoughts on “Newest Additions to the Family

  1. Omb omb omb you got baby degus with white on them!! Agh! I have NEVER seen that in the flesh, I’ve only ever seen the brown (agouti?) ones. They are so, so cute 🙂

    I was going to ask how the intro’s had gone before you spoke about it. I haven’t intro’d many pets (lots of mice, some guinea pigs) and I HATE it! It makes me so nervous haha, but yes I agree, even if the boys can’t live together it’s nice to know Abel will have company of his own species nearby.

    I am so jealous of your friendly degus! We’ve had our boys for months and even with the gentlest of training they don’t exactly enjoy fuss…they will climb over us, take treats from our hands etc but no fuss from us! Still, at least they’re not terrified anymore 🙂

    We just brought a new sable Syrian hamster home and she lives in the Thickets now – it looks huge for a Syrian XD

    Glad to see you back & look forward to more posts!


    1. They are a few ones with white in our area but mostly agouti and silver/grey ones, intros are nerve wracking but we have just been doing intros behind barriers for now as I don’t think they are ready for upfront meetings just yet and may never be but yea like you said just nice for him to have them nearby in case he ever does get lonely and wants to start accepting them. Abel only started liking scratches after Cain went so it’s a bit bittersweet like that but it’s so funny to see his little face enjoying it when we give him rubs. Glad your degus have come around I knew they would 🙂 they’re too curious for their own good especially when food is involved! Your little Syrian girl is lovely she is so spoiled being in the thickets, altough I hate how awkward it is and can’t wait to get the babies out of it! Thanks I hope to be more consistent so here’s hoping!

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      1. I’ve never seen a silver either…just brown! The zoo local to us has a degu enclosure with dozens of goos and all of them are agouti!

        Yeah, it’s never a good idea to rush intro’s haha…we had some mice (and mice are seriously easy to introduce compared to other rodents) where we had to spread it out over a few weeks, and they got on fine…then we had the female guinea pigs who hated each other on sight!

        Yeah I’ve been on a taming kick considering we adopted two chinchillas (who are doing really well in just a month), two quail hens who are adorable, and then Effie the hamster too. I love taming up animals though, and I’m never that bothered if they don’t end up super tame…it’s the progress and the fact they *choose* to see me that I like 🙂

        Aw poor Abel 😦 We’ve had a few pets be super clingy after a cage mate has passed. I’m glad that Abel seems to be doing well and good in himself though.

        Haha thanks, our Syrian girls ADORABLE! 🙂 Yeah she’s really enjoying the Thickets and all I can ever think is “ehhh, why did you put the door on one side?!” XD

        Liked by 1 person

  2. They are all adorable. 🙂 I just wondered why you wanted more males and not a female for Abel? I thought there’d be less fighting if a pair?
    Good Luck with the introductions 🙂


    1. Yea you’re right that it would’ve been easier to introduce females to Abel but he would need to be neutered and I really didn’t want to put him in for a surgery that wasn’t necessary as I wouldn’t forgive myself if he didn’t come through it okay, thanks we will keep trying our best with the intros and maybe do an update later if anything changes.

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  3. Until today I was only aware of Degus being an agouti colour and then in the adoption section at our local pets at home there was a bicoloured one looking for a home. All three of your boys are adorable and good look with the intros!


    1. Yea agouti degus are def the most common but we are starting to see more of the white coloured ones now and in Germany where degus are very popular a breeder recently got black degus! Thanks 🙂

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